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to ban (verb): To make something illegal

surrogate: People usually say ‘surrogate mother’ but it has been shortened to ‘surrogate’ in this article. A surrogate mother is a woman who gives birth to a baby for another woman that can’t have children. Both the egg and sperm are artificially inseminated so the baby won’t have any of her DNA.

embryo: A human (or animal) before it is born in the very early stages

attempt (noun): try

a miscarriage: When a baby dies inside the womb

to be drained: To be very tired (emotionally)

a contribution (noun): The act of giving something

To take something lightly (phrase): To not think about it that much

Down’s Syndrome (noun); A medical condition that someone is born with that makes them develop differently from most people.

An outcry (noun): When many people are angry or shocked about something

Someone’s heart/stomach sinks (phrase): When someone feels sad or depressed about something

to be raided (verb - passive): To visit a place without warning and look for illegal activities

To clamp down on something (phrasal verb): To stop an activity

frantically (adverb): In a panic/ stressed state

to reach out (phrasal verb): To contact someone

To assure someone (verb) To tell someone that everything will be ok/ they don’t need to worry

to abandon (verb): To leave

An abortion (noun): A medical operation to end a pregnancy at an early stage

To go through with something (phrasal verb): When someone does what is necessary to complete a course of action.

adoption: When people take someone else’s child into their family and become their legal parents.

spinning (verb): To be in a confused state

to rip away (phrasal verb): To remove

embassy (noun): A building with a group of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country

excruciating (adjective): Very difficult/unpleasant

To intensify (verb): To get bigger

arrested (verb): When the police take someone to a police station because they think they have committed a crime

jail (noun): prison

To face charges (phrase): To have to pay money

To be over (phrasal verb): To end

Due date (noun): The date that doctors/nurses think a baby will be born.

Labour (noun) When a woman starts having a baby

swam up (phrasal verb): surfaced/appeared

Tips of someone’s toes: To the end of their toes (feet)

tummy (noun): stomach

To keep in touch (phrase): To keep in contact with through email/phone/letter etc


Where were Despina when they got an email and what did it say?