Life in a Day 2020
I was pottering aroundlistening to the radio the other day when I heard an interview with Keven MacDonald about a new film he has directed. It’s called Life in a day 2020 and it’s made up of shots that people around the world submitted of their lives on 25th July last year. It’s a'sequelof sorts'as the original Life in a Day film was made 10 years ago and they decided to'revisit'the idea. I’m not usuallyoverlykeen on documentaries of this kind but I wasintriguedso I decided to watch it.
I have to say that I wastrulyblown away.Thefootagehas beenwoven together with tremendous skill and it flowsseamlessly.It evokes a real sense of humanity and manages to be so many things at once: tragic yetheartwarming,morbidyet full of life and depressing yet uplifting.Some parts are sopoignantthat they brought tears to my eyes. In the interview, Keven says that he asked for honesty. He certainly achieved this and there’s a great intimacy to the footage that is shared in 'a veryunshowyunglossytotallyauthenticway’.
It goes from midnight to midnight and Keven gave the participants the option to answer some questions, which were: What do you love? What do you fear? What would you like to change in the world? And what do you have in your pockets?
There are various themes that come up. The pandemic obviously features in a big way but there’s also climate change, Black Lives Matter and thenarrativeof life from childbirth through to old age runs through the film. By chance the 25th July happened to be a veryeventfulday. I really recommend this film and it’s available for all to watch on YouTube.
pottering around
To do something at home (or near home) in a relaxed way
A book, film or play that continues the story or is related to the first one
of sorts
used when you are saying that something is not a typical example of something
To return to an idea
Interested/curious about something
blown away
A part of a film that shows a particular event
woven together
To be put together very well
Something that causes feelings of pleasure and happiness
Related to death
Something that makes you feel happier or more hopeful
Something that strongly affects your feelings and makes you feel sad
Someone/something that is not trying to get attention
If something is ‘glossy’, it is attractive, exciting or fashionable but with no real importance. This is the opposite.
Real rather than being false or copied.
Story or description of events
Lots of things happening
Do you think you will watch this film? Why? Why not?
If you have seen it, what did you think of it?
If you had submitted a clip of your life on 25th July last year, what do you think you would have submitted?
Do you usually like watching documentaries? If so, what kinds of documentaries do you watch?
If they make another film in 10 years time, what do you think we will see?