How to take great pictures
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Thanks to Victoriano Izquierdo for this photo.
In this article, sixacclaimedphotographers share their secrets.
Street smart, Joel Meyerowitz, advises us to stayalert to the unexpected and closely observe what is happening right in front of our eyes. He’s interested in capturingserendipityand advises us to pay attention to everything. Rineke Dijkstra tells us to trust in the power of chance. Although she uses an oldanalogue camera and spends time working out light,composition and colours, she says that you have tolet go and accept that you cannot control everything. The real magic happens when yougo with the flow and trust yourintuition. Ellen von Unwerth recommendsplaying aroundand making peoplelarger than life. If people are a bitstiff, justloosen them upwith a bit ofbubbly! Bespontaneousand embracehappy accidents. Liz Johnson Artur sees the street as her studio and believes in being visible, open and direct. She likes beingin the right place at the right timeand she considers where she isin relation to her subjects. Nick Waplington is a landscape photographer and advises us to get to know particular places and go back to them, paying attention to the light and the effect that it has. He tells us totake our timeand wait patiently for the rightshot. Nadav Kander believes intapping intoour subconscious and letting that guide our photos. He says that we need to stay in aheightenedstate andimmerse ourselvesin the process.
Someone or something that is famous and admired
Someone who is paying attention and ready to react quickly serendipity the fact of something interesting or pleasant happening by chance
A camera that uses film to take photos
The arrangement of people or objects in an image
Let go
To allow yourself to feel free and express emotion without trying to control them
Go with the flow
To be relaxed and trust your instinct
Understanding through our feelings rather than facts and evidence
Playing around
To have fun and not take things too seriously
Larger than life
Someone who is larger than life has a strong or lively personality that attracts people
Not friendly or relaxed. This also has other meanings.
Loosen them up
To make people more relaxed
To do something without planning it
Happy accidents
When something happens that you like but you had not planned
In the right place at the right time
to be somewhere at a time when you can take advantage of an opportunity
In relation to
Used to compare the position of something (in this sentence)
Take our time
To do something slowly
A picture taken with a camera
Tapping into
To establish a connection with something or access a resource
To concentrate more than normal
Immerse yourself
To be completely involved in something and spend a lot of time doing it