Sue Biggs (notes from a BBC interview)

In this post, there is a list of the advanced words and phrases from the BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs interview with Sue Biggs - the director general at the Royal Horticultural Society.  Aggie and I are currently creating a podcast (in which we will explain some of the words) and it will be launched on 11th October!

You can listen to the interview here:


0:53 Organisation is best known for its spectacular flower shows and garden festivals 

0:57 Including annual extravaganzas at Chelsea, Hampton Court…

1:02 RHS = largest and most venerable gardening charity 

1:07 Promotion of horticulture and exchange of ideas 

1:15 Engage future generations 

1:25 Under her green fingered leadership 

510,000 members 

1:37 A keen gardener ever since she received a packet of seeds and a trowel for her 7th birthday 

1:42 Before deciding to change lanes to horticulture (from travel industry for 25 years) 

1:48 Horticulture is a great leveler (meet royalty…) 

A natural respect for people who know how to garden 


2:22 And to tend to plants (how to be a good gardener) 


2:34 It’s complete and utter madness 

11 acre site in the middle of London, world’s best flower show 

3:03 I find it a very moving week actually 

→ so many people are so passionate 

One of your jobs is accompanying the Queen around the the show

→ She certainly knows what she likes!

A joy of creating!


Favourite film ever (Gladiator) 

3:56 Despite the fact that RHS doesn’t allow gnomes but I do! 

5:00 Before we move on, I have to follow up on the Russell Crowe gnome  


5:25 The technical stuff including all the latin 

5:37 What would you say to the would-be gardeners? 

I don’t know all the latin! 

6:14 Put it in on the website and then you can wow everyone with your amazing latin knowledge!

Worst thing you can do is to kill a plant! 


6:38 We should have a nature dose of at least 2 hours a week 

6:45 What scientific proof is there

6:59 Also increasingly on the social science side 

You have to have a dose of nature! 

If you care about nature you have to be in it

7:21 Sitting inside on a tablet or whatever isn’t connecting with nature 

Would encourage every day outside 

7:27 Even if you only manage for 5 minutes, take your socks and shoes off 

7:32 Reconnect with nature 



7:53 It just had such a huge impact on me 

The charity that came out of it 

Thank Virginia McKenna for both my 2 careers

8:26  My love of nature and conservation 


9:16 It makes me sound really quite churlish in a way 

7th birthday got up all excited for my present 

9:33 I thought this is a bit of a dull present 

Gave me a square yard of their garden 

10:00 They’ll be like little jewels 

10:13 It was a magical present 


To 6 children all within 9 years

She was amazing bring us up 

Popular with all my friends too - pretty special 


11:11 Most beautiful piece of music reflecting nature that I’ve ever heard 

11:16 Lark ascending encapsulates everything - reminds her of her mother 

11:31 Slightly tinged with sadness for me 

11:46 Birdsong really talks about how beautiful it is in this country and part of what makes us British but all the birds are under threat 

11:55 It would be terrible if nature ends up being so devastated that we only have this to listen to 


13:17 Home life was quite outdoorsy 


Loved school 

I wanted to go to study Estate Management at Reading but head told me that wasn’t a career for young girls and that I should instead go and study English

Long time ago 

14:02 At that stage women didn’t go into that very much 

14:08 [LL] So you weren’t supposed to go outdoors with your welly boots on?!


3 wonderful brothers

14:16 All teasing and joshing

Never really viewed mens’ things and womens’ things

Just follow your heart and do what you love

14:39 [LL] How does the path that you took match up with what you expected as a teenager?

14:45 I knew fairly soon that I wanted to be in the travel world

Terrible mistake - went to be an air stewardess at BA 


15:26 A white shirt dress cinched in at the waist 

15:37 I looked like a walking union jack 

15:43 It certainly sounds eye catching 


At nottingham uni, beautiful campus 

15:51 Even though I had quite a wild time of union bars, possibly drinking too much 

Great big pink cherry trees 

1st concert was John Martyn

16:21 I was smitten (when John Martyn gave her his cigarette to hold) 


Dream career creating holidays 

17:16 It was all long haul travel 

Terrible places to have to suffer (!) 

Very very lucky 

17:46 How many destinations did you help put on the map? [LL]

·       Maldives

·       Sri Lanka 

18:22 At the island, a few thatched huts 

We used to tell our customers your hair’s going to get frizzy! Baked beans and pineapple chunks for most of your holiday! 

18:54 How much has the digital revolution changed the way we travel? 

Changed totally with the internet 

Book own flights and own hotels 

19:34 The horrors of 9/11 and the tsunami to deal with 

19:43 It’s tough to be on your own when something like that happens

19:48 What’s your role and whats the responsibility of the company? 

19:55 My role was to lead the rescue

19:59 Send out literally funeral directors 

The team was amazing 


20:39 The 80s it was Quite a frightening time 

20:43 The AIDS ads with the tombstones falling down 

20:49 There was this one track in it which really stirred my emotions 

A very good friend of mine died from AIDS so I remember him when I listen to this 


·       Youngest 

·       First woman 

Quite nice and quite funny 

First meeting - card and a present 

22:59 Inside the card “Congratulations, at last we’ve got somebody to iron our shirts”

It just wouldn’t be acceptable today 


Quarter of a century at the travel 

23:47 The new boss and I didn’t see eye to eye

At the end of the leaving party they played this 

24:12 My then husband had to take me home as a weeping jelly 


Went through cancer treatment twice 

Brothers and sisters and friends 

At the same time my mother died and then after 30 years my husband decided he’d rather be somewhere else 

25:38 My fifties were my not happy decade 

25:49 Friends and family got me through that but so too did my garden 

I remember thinking ugh I’m not sure if it’s worth all this 

But thought ‘what! I just moved into this new garden’ 

Wanting to see the bulbs come up and the trees and the colours 

26:13 So I think they’re tremendously healing

Is there a sense of tapping into something about the promise of the future even when times are difficult, it’s that idea of planting seeds in the hope that things will change 

26:40 Its a very optimistic thing to do because you are planting for the future 

Sense of responsibility 

26:53 It’s exciting looking to the future 


27:27 There were times when it was all a bit doomy gloomy 


27:42 I would put it on at full blast 

And shout it out in my terribly flat voice 


28:45 Facing a green skills crisis in the horticulture industry [LL]

A lot of the people who work in horticulture are from overseas (worrying about post Brexit)

29:06 Not everyone views horticulture as a career to be respected and proud of 

29:13 I look at our curator, studied for 7 years, post degree level

Needs to start at schools and through careers advisors with parents and grandparents

29:53 Diverse industry, with great big industrial production 

30:01 It is such a satisfying job 


Think I’d get lonely quite quickly 

30:24 I imagine you’ll want to cultivate your garden [LL]

Lose weight and die if its Maldivian because they’re all just sand 

Maybe a month of solitude 


31:13 I remember distinctly being at a sailing club (with first boyfriend) 

He stopped me and said Sue  you can’t dance you really shouldn’t dance 

31:47 I think we should dance to it now, just to show him! [LL]

32:33  A few bits and bobs to pass the time 

·       The book of joy 

33:15 Its got to be a bed 

·       Lark ascending