Pronunciation of the 'j' sound
/The 'J' sound can be difficult for Spanish and Swedish speakers. Just remember to push the tongue onto the roof of the mouth.
Words with the 'j' sound at the beginning (that start with J)
jar juice job just jump journey judge January June jungle jeans joy jaw
jog joke
Words with the 'j' sound at the beginning (that start with G)
giant germs gem genetic gesture gender gym gentlemen Germany
Words with the 'j' sound in the middle of the word (spelt with J)
project major object reject enjoy subject injure
Words with the 'j' sound in the middle of the word (spelt with G)
agent manager magic imagine pigeon register vegetables apologise intelligent
Words with the 'j' sound in the middle of the word (spelt with DG)
badger budget
Words with the 'j' sound in the middle of the word (spelt with JD)
Words with the 'j' sound in the middle of the word (without a J or a G)
soldier educate gradual
Words with the 'j' sound in the end of the word (spelt with a G)
page stage huge age cage image cabbage courage language marriage, courage
Words with the 'j' sound in the end of the word (spelt with a DG)
judge fudge bridge ridge knowledge edge porridge
Gym = Jim
Genes = Jeans
Here are some sentences to practise
1. She took a jam jar out of the cupboard
2. How was your journey?
3. It was such a funny joke.
4. I'm just going to the gym
5. When are you going to Germany?
6. They were overjoyed when they finished the project
7. He'd like to be a manager.
8. What do you imagine yourself doing in 5 years time?
9. We bought lots of vegetables
10. They apologised for the mistake.
11. There were some cuts to the budget
12. How have you adjusted to the change?
13. He's a soldier
14. She was well-educated.
15. He got up on stage.
16. The image is too small.
17. What languages do you speak?
18. Jane eats porridge every morning.
19. "Don't stand too close to the edge!"
20. "Let's meet on the bridge."